Getting to Zero: Net Zero Carbon Case Studies

AIA San Diego

Borrego Springs Community Library, RNT Architects and White Baux Studio, winner of a 2019 AIA San Diego Savings By Design energy efficiency award, as well as an AIASD Honor Award. Image captured from “Borrego Springs library + park,” a video by RNT Architects and Bread Truck Films.

In early 2023, AIA San Diego published a selection of case studies of Net Zero Carbon projects built in the San Diego region. They include:

  • East County Offices and Archives, by The Miller Hull Partnership
  • California Air Resources Board Southern California Headquarters, Mary D. Nichols Campus, by ZGF Architects
  • The Borrego Springs Library, by RNT architects (shown above and on the article cover)
  • County of San Diego North Coastal Live Well Health Center Building, by HMC Architects
  • DPR Construction San Diego Office, by BNIM, Callison
  • The Miller Hull Partnership San Diego Studio, by The Miller Hull Partnership
  • CAL Trans District 11 HQ, by Carrier Johnson + Culture
  • Pine Avenue Community Center and Park, by RNT Architects

You can find the case studies here.

Cover photo of the Borrego Springs Community Library courtesy of RNT Architects.