Healthy Materials Lab

HempLime block, a non-structural building material made of hemp hurd, lime powder, and water, absorbs and stores CO2, naturally regulates temperature & humidity, is an excellent acoustic insulation, naturally fire retardant, and 100% biodegradable. Photo by Jonsara Ruth.

The Healthy Materials Lab is a design research lab at Parsons School of Design, “dedicated to a world in which people’s health is placed at the center of all design decisions.” Co-founded by Associate Professors Alison Mears, AIA, and Jonsara Ruth, ASID, IIDA, it is comprised of graduate and undergraduate student researchers, alumni, and faculty with backgrounds including media, architecture, interior design, industrial design, urban ecologies, community development, education, and business. Its goals are to . . .

Improve today’s commonly used materials to reduce exposure to toxics and improve health.

Foster knowledge and awareness of today’s healthier material alternatives—make them more marketable, accessible, and popular.

Invent, test, and implement tomorrow’s healthy materials.

Work with manufacturers to promote transparency and drive innovation.

Create healthier homes for people living in poverty.

The Healthy Materials Lab offers a rich set of resources, including Material Collections and Tools and Guides for making informed choices about building materials and health.

From arcCA DIGEST Season 06, “Materials.”