Reflect Renew: Editor’s Comment

Tim Culvahouse, AIA

“A Knowledge-Driven Profession”
(A Parable in Two Acts, inspired by sad tales at the AIA Knowledge Leadership Assembly, Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, Halloween 2003.)

Act One. [Stage left: the office of Rupert Snoggins, AIA; center: the office of Periwinkle Jones, AIA; right: the office of Harrietta Woopcastle, AIA. As the lights come up, Rupert lifts his phone and dials. The instrument on Periwinkle’s desk rings.]

R.S.: Hi, Perry. Rupe Snoggins. How ya doin’?

P.J.: Great, Rupe, just great. What can I do for you?

R.S.: Well, Perry, in this town you’re the waterproofing expert, and we’ve got a tough situation on our hands. I was thinkin’ . . .

P.J.: Whoa, now, Rupe. That’s our stock-in-trade. Surely your roofing guy can take care of it . . .

[Lights and sound fade. Lights come back up on Harrietta, dialing. Rupert answers.]

H.W.: Hey, Rupert. This is Harrietta Woopcastle. I see you got through discretionary review. That’s terrific.

R.S.: Thanks. It was a tough sell, but that’s what we do best.

H.W.: That’s why I’m calling, Rupert. We’re up against a bear of a neighborhood group.

R.S.: They sure can be difficult.

H.W.: You’re not kidding. I was wondering, could you walk me through what you did?

R.S.: You know, I’d love to, but, you know, I’m just up to my ears over here, and . . .

[Fade. Lights come back up on Periwinkle, dialing. Harrietta’s secretary answers.]

Secretary: Office of Harrietta Woopcastle.

P.J.: This is Periwinkle Jones. Is Ms. Woopcastle available?

Secretary: May I say why you’re calling?

P.J.: Sure. I’m an architect here in the city, and I’m doing some work for Acme Brothers. I understand you’ve worked for them before, and I’m having trouble understanding some of their concerns.

Secretary: One moment, please. [Pause; Secretary and Harrietta confer.] I’m sorry, Mr. Jones; Ms. Woopcastle is in a meeting . . .


Act Two. [An elegant restaurant. Three smartly dressed business people enjoy a sumptuous dinner.]

First Business Person: . . . boy, do I. That Snoggins character doesn’t know a damned thing about waterproofing. The place leaks like a sieve!

Second B.P.: I don’t know how these people stay in business. Woopcastle made such a mess of our neighborhood process, I thought we’d never get through entitlement.

Third B.P.: That’s why we don’t use her anymore. But I have to tell you, this Jones guy’s turning out to be every bit as bad. He just doesn’t get our business, at all. Architects!

First B.P.: Like I say, none of ‘em knows a damn thing . . .

[Lights lower as conversation fades to indistinct grumble. Curtain.]

Originally published 4th quarter 2003, in arcCA 03.4, “Reflect Renew.”