
Data: What to Look For, Phil Bernstein, FAIA, Nick Carter, Myoung Kang, Andrea Love, AIA, Zigmund Rubel, FAIA, Kyle Steinfeld

A Culture of Connection: How Design Makes Us All Californians, Simon Sadler, PhD, from BOOM, spring 2012


AI & Architecture

Phil Bernstein, FAIA, “How Can Architects Adapt to the Coming Age of AI?” from The Architect’s Newspaper, November 2017

Mario Carpo, “Excessive Resolution: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Architectural Design,” from Architectural Record, June 2018

“Doom or Bloom: What Will Artificial Intelligence Mean for Architecture?” Michael J. Crosbie interviews Imdat As in Common\Edge, September 2018

Data & Maps

“Urban Cartography,” from The Urbanist, November 2014

Open Government Data

Open Source Architecture: Bricksource, Elemental, Open Systems Lab, Paper Houses

Creating Virtual Reality for Public Good: a Case Study, Laura Schatzkin

Mark My Words, Mark Miller, FAIA

Reorganizing Around BIM, from arcCA 06.1, “Imbedded Knowledge”

Architecture and Technology: the 1978 Tulane Architectural View

2019 Maybeck Award: Jim Jennings, FAIA, Takashi Yanai, FAIA