arcCA 05.2: Other Business

Other Business” profiles architects—or people educated as architects—who have chosen to apply their knowledge, experience, and insight in ways other than everyday architectural practice. It is the 2nd quarter 2005 issue of arcCA (Architecture California), which was, from 2000 to 2012, the quarterly print journal of the AIA California Council. 

Editor’s Comment
Tim Culvahouse, AIA

Letter to a Friend
Annie Ja Yeun Lee

A Non-Traditional Practice
Bob Hale, AIA


Paul Adamson: Conserving Modernism

On Air with Frances Anderton
John Leighton Chase, Assoc. AIA

John Cary in the Public Interest

On Campus with Marc Fisher
John Leighton Chase, Assoc. AIA

John Loomis: Monuments and Lasers

Evan Markiewicz: Rebuilding Nicaragua

In the Gallery with Liz Martin
Nina Lewallen

Amy Noble: Researching Home
John Melcher, AIA

In the Classroom with Alison Quoyeser
John Melcher, AIA

Stephanie Reich: Designing Santa Monica
John Leighton Chase, Assoc. AIA

On Set with Glenda Rovello
Kenneth Caldwell

Growing Up with Beth Rubenstein

Margo Warnecke-Merck: Special Needs

Deborah Weintraub: Engineering Los Angeles

Representatively Unique
Kurt Lavenson, AIA

Continuation: Some Contract Language
Ava Abramowitz, Esq., Hon. AIA

Under the Radar: The Dwight Way, Berkeley
Tim Culvahouse, AIA

Coda: Eichler’s Edgewood Shopping Center
Paul Adamson, AIA

A PDF of the full issue is available here.

Author biographical information as of the date of original publication.

From The arcCA Archive (arcCA DIGEST Season 15).