arcCA 09.3: Beyond LEED

Beyond LEED” looks at emerging issues in sustainability. It is the 3rd quarter 2009 issue of arcCA (Architecture California), which was, from 2000 to 2012, the quarterly print journal of the AIA California Council.

For this issue, we met the forest halfway, limiting the printed thematic material to  a multi-vocal segment, “Mad Scientists, Rabble Rousers, and Other Thoughtful People”; David Meckel’s much-loved “. . . and Counting”; and synopses of the other articles. The full articles were available online. Other than a version of this paragraph, there was no Editor’s Comment. We compressed the AIACC Awards section, but did not consider relegating it to cyberspace altogether, valuing as we do the tangible keepsake. Overall, we held the issue to its typical non-Awards-issue size, a modest experiment in semi-virtuality and resource conservation. 


Mad Scientists, Rabble Rousers, and Other Thoughtful People
Stan Bertheaud, Pliny Fisk III, Peter C. Griffith, Paul Hawken, Steven J. Isaacs & Cheryl May, Clark Kellogg, Marianna Leuschel, John Maeda, Christine S.E. Magar, Jason F. McLennan, Tom McKeag, John Peterson, Louise Sandhaus, Lynn N. Simon, Susan Ubbelohde, Sim Van der Ryn, Jennifer Wolch

. . . and Counting
David Meckel, FAIA

AIACC 2003 Design Awards & Savings By Design Awards
[PDF only, see below]


Re-Designing Good Design
William Leddy, FAIA

Real Mitigation of Climate Change: the Path to Zero Net Energy Buildings
Edward Dean, AIA

Global Benchmarking: Taking a Critical Look at Sustainable Design in the U.S.
Thomas Spiegelhalter, ACE, ISES

New Metrics for a Sustainable Planet
David Thurman

A Sea Level Rise Strategy for the San Francisco Bay Region
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Emerging Water-Smart Design
Geoffrey Holton

Getting Specific: ARCADE 27.01-04
John Parman

Book Review: The Urban Homestead
David Scott Bruce

Blog is in the Details
Jimmy Stamp

Coda: Greenwood Common
Waverly B. Lowell

A PDF of the printed issue is available here

Author biographical information as of the date of original publication.

From The arcCA Archive (arcCA DIGEST Season 15).