
arcCA DIGEST Season 06, July 2020

Materials: What to Look For, Kevin Fleming, AIA, Aroussiak Gabrielian, PhD, Maria Paz Gutierrez, Dr. Negar Kalantar, Karen Seong, Bhavna Sharma, Daniel Stromborg & Helle Hodjat, Quang Truong, Jeff Urban

Understanding Antimicrobials in Building Materials, from the Healthy Building Network and Perkins&Will

Embodied Carbon: What You Can Do Right Now, Henry Siegel, FAIA, & Larry Strain, FAIA

Materials Research at UC Merced

Mark My Words, Mark Miller, FAIA

Future Materials

Mindful Materials Library

The Place of Interior Design, Maria McVarish

Research Aggregators, from Science Daily & Science Direct

Healthy Materials Lab, Parsons School of Design

arcCA 02.4, “New Material”

2020 AIA CA Firm Award: David Baker Architects