In December 2016, thirty-six young concertgoers lost their lives in a fire at Ghost Ship, a DIY venue in a warehouse in Oakland. In August 2017, Nolan Boomer, Cole Cataneo, Julia Goodman, and Sean Suchara launched the print journal Take Shape, “a matte ship charting the waters of architectural, legal, and political thinking, lifted by those spaces and ideas where distinctions blur.” Assembled here from Take Shape 1 are Jaime Omar Yassin’s “No Place For Artists: Housing Policy in the Wake of Ghost Ship,” as republished online by Archinect, and Sam Winks’s “DIY Housing Reading List.” Within Yassin’s article are interspersed pages from Take Shape 1, including the editors’ “Safety Tips for DIY Living.” Further resources for making DIY venues safer can be found at Safer DIY Spaces, Safer Spaces, and DIY Venue Harm Reduction.
[Please note that reference to these resources does not represent endorsement of them by the AIACC.]