“H2O CA“ focuses on California’s water resources and, more particularly, on paradoxes that have emerged and conflicts that have developed between natural systems and the diverse human interests that have reshaped them. The issue is organized roughly from north to south, beginning with the Sacramento/ San Joaquin Delta and ending at the Salton Sea. Because the topic is clearly too vast for our pages, we have included a bibliography and “webiography” to guide you to further resources. “H2O CA” is the 4th quarter 2001 issue of arcCA (Architecture California), which was, from 2000 to 2012, the quarterly print journal of the AIA California Council.
Water in California: An Overview
Rising Water, Falling Land: The Evolution of the Delta
At Flat Land and Deep Water: California’s Ports
The L.A. River: Recent Books Briefly Noted
Concrete Rivers and T.R.E.E.S.
Coda: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s John Ferraro Building
A PDF of the full issue is available here.
Author biographical information as of the date of original publication.
Re-released in arcCA DIGEST Season 07, “Concerning California.”
From The arcCA Archive (arcCA DIGEST Season 15).